My name is Chantelle, a divine feminine and psychic medium doing my part in raising the vibrations of the collective consciousness we all share by empowering the individual to face their inner world, purge the energies of that which does not serve us and integrate their shadow selves in order to become a vessel of divine love and energy - and help you live the life you truly desire. I work through both traditional African spiritual disciplines (Ubungoma) and western esotericism in hopes to help as many as I can. Whether you are looking to manifest love, a better career, a better life or simply gain clarity on and move through challenging times - those changes all begin within, so let me help you face the dark and awaken the angel within.


Trust your intuition...

When it comes to my readings and services, questions that I'm asked often include why should I trust you or how can you know that you'll be able to help me. I don't have an answer to either of those things simply because a key part of my spiritual practice and belief is learning to trust and listen to your OWN intuition. While I am confident in who I am and what I can do and have done for so long now, I simply refuse to ENCOURAGE booking with me. You should have no doubt in the energy you feel from me so that you make the right choice for you, your energy in this present moment and your path in this lifetime. Do you feel that we are aligned? Do you feel drawn to my energy? Have there been signs and synchronicities that have led you to me? Have your guides and angels inclined you my way? Have you seen one of my readings or videos somewhere that truly resonated and spoke to you? The more aligned we are, the better I'll be able to help align you through my readings and services.